Author Topic: Cross Effects 3.0 - June 23, 2016—April 02, 2018  (Read 96608 times)


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    • The Law Unto Herself Chronicles: A JukePop Serial

"And I lost in combat against him!  It's just because I was pulling my punches.  I could have used water spells against him you know.  Could have just ended him right then and there," Rin said with a huff before scowling.


"Well, I could bite you.  My bite has an orgasmic reaction," Forest said as she stroked Marcus, twisting her finger tips ever so slightly against him.

She lapped at the small white bead that had formed on the tip.  The taste of it sent a shudder through her.  It was familiar, yet different, and enticing.  It was like being given a favorite food after being without it for an absurd amount of time.

A white hand held him at the base as her cool, wet mouth began to suck on the head, pulling back to lap at the thickness before engulfing it again.  Saliva trickled down his shaft from her eager mouth as she hungrily sucked.  One hand stroked what she couldn't get into her mouth, the fingers teasing throbbing veins while her other hand fondled the heavy sac underneath.


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Joe laughed and said, "Ok ok I believe you.  Im glad you didn't kill him though.  He may have been shady but he didn't deserve to die." 

I think I could sit here for a while


Marcus's entire body clenched at her touch.  Her cool mouth pressed against his warm cock caused his muscles to tighten even farther, all the while, he let out a deep pleasured sigh. "Oh your good," he remarked, lightly stroking her hair.  "But you know..."

He opened his mouth.  The aura covering his teeth began to change shape, sharpening into fangs.  "That means I can do that too."

The sound of footsteps clacked across the ground, growing louder and louder as they got close to the dressing room.  "What the?!"  Marcus tilted his head, both in reaction to the man, and in preparation for what he was about to do next.  He grabbed Forest by the hair and pulled her up to a standing position.  Then, he bit into her neck.

In a seamless motion, he moved from her neck, to just in front of the man's face.  His leg came around like a whip, crashing into the side of the man's core with a crack and a thud.  A crash accompanied the rubble flying off the wall.  He turned his head to Forest, a vein popping off his forehead.  "So, what should we do now?"


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    • The Law Unto Herself Chronicles: A JukePop Serial

Rin smiled and said, "I'm glad I didn't kill him either.  Even though he was an annoying idiot."

She stretched before relaxing in her chair with a smile.  "Not bad, if I say so myself."


Forest smirked at herself at Marcus's obvious pleasure before she heard footsteps approaching.  Part of her thought to disengage, but she liked the pulsating warmth and what it promised in her mouth.  Besides, Marcus being embarrassed was worth it.  Well until she gave the guy a hypnotic suggestion that he wouldn't hear anything.

Until she was grabbed by the hair and pulled into a standing position before sharp fangs dug into her throat.

There was a moment of pain before she was flooded with bliss, crying out as her body flashed at once.  Her empty inner walls clutched at nothing as she shuddered with delight, more lust spilling from her now achingly empty pussy.

His "fangs" - where the hell had those come from - pulled out of her to kick a poor concerned citizen in the man's side.

She could hear the poor sod's breathing and heart beating steadily from his crater.  He'd probably need medical attention, but he'd be found soon enough.  She licked her swollen lips and answered, "M-maybe go somewhere more private so we can . . . you know, play some more."


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Costin lost control at this point. Maybe Rikuyo's decision to tap on more to her human side paid off. 
She also wanted to take apart Costin at this point, but the red haired woman did not devolve to berserking. No, she was now more like a child who pulled off a fly's wings with a glee than a raging animal. With a wide grin and a cruel gleam in her eyes, she formed a blade of energy out of her stump (so that her remaining arm was free for something else just in case).

By the time Costin reached Rikuyo, she already recovered enough from getting slammed into a wall
to anticipate what Costin would do. Charging like that headalong, pfffttt. She would move out of the way and parry some of her slashes and then try to turn tables and stab, stab, stab, stab, stab!


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"Oh really?" He reached over and lifted the light weighted goddess with utmost ease before putting her down on his lap. He then wrapped his arms comfortably around her waist to keep her in place.

"You don't really have a choice my dear Noire. I have you now, right in the place needed to set my evil pizza feeding plan into motion. You have no choice but to submit muahahaha."


"Hey hey hey, what are you doing?!" Noire exclaimed, dropping her menu in surprise as he picked her up. She squirmed as he easily lifted her over the table, attempting to break free of his hold until he finally placed her in his lap, trapping her in his embrace.

With her face a light shade of pink, the girl picked up his menu. "Well if you're gonna be like this, fine! But I'll be stealing your menu! I wasn't done ordering, you know. And I expect you'll be treating me like a queen while you feed me!" She replied jokingly.

It was oddly relieving to not be working as a goddess for once.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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"Heh, team ups are not a thing in this game, so good luck. I'm pretty confident about my aim. After all, I can kill vampires by shooting light from my finger. That needs precision just like a firearm." Plus she was pretty confident about being able to solve equations as in she surely could grasp that better than Breeze as of now. Not sure about Sakura though. After all she did not have any clear knowledge about her education. "So yeah, let's do it."

Auspicious Breeze

"Okay!" She put some coins in, too, to get ready to go. Breeze had a natural talent for anything that involved fighting, even if punching things was her specialty. Even if she'd never fired a gun before, she'd pick it up fast! And that would be enough for her to get scary good at it. It came with being Exalted apparently.

Or at least, her kind of Exalted. Some were more like Oren and took shapes by skinning or eating people. Or other weird things (not that Oren was weird).


As soon as the game started, Sakura's skill was immediately evident. She was blasting away at a ridiculous speed with incredible accuracy, missing almost none of her shots. If one of them were to be so foolish as to look away from the screen at her finger, they'd see she was tapping the trigger with ridiculous speed, her finger blurring into a white line from moving so fast.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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Marcus flashed Forest a satisfied grin. "Of course do you have somewhere in mind?"  The veins on his forehead went away as his mind shifted back towards thoughts of playing with her body.  That cry she made echoed throughout his mind.

Then, he turned his head to face the man he knocked into the wall.  "Well, I guess we might as well take the clothes we need on the way out," he said reaching for the door.  "No reason to pay for them now."

He pushed what was left of the door open and walked outside the changing room, feeling the air brush against his chiseled body.  His cock began to deflate as he snatched up clothes from the store.


Joe shoveled another bite of food into his mouth.  It actually tasted better this time, the increased familiarity made it easier to consume.  He chewed quickly, anticipating the next bite.  After he swallowed his food, he finally spoke up.

"You think there was actually treasure?" he asked.
« Last Edit: April 08, 2017, 02:18:32 AM by yinsukin »


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"Don't be silly! Does it look like I have the heart for that?" He answered in a snappy yet cheerful tone. "Well, look, I don't mean to bug ya about it, but I could use a pair of extra good hands. I'm planning to do a heist, see, but honestly, doing it alone is really no fun. How about it partner? If you want, I'll share the loot with ya, 50/50."

At that moment, who could tell what was stranger. The fact anyone would speak of a robbery in broad daylight (evening technically, but semantics), or the fact he was so casual about it.

"Well, if you're intrested. I'm not going to force ya into it or anything kiddo. Whether you want to make a quick buck and help a poor old man is all up to you."


Now the doll's curiousity once again took over; disregard the strangenes of the situation, there was no way he could let such an entertaining chance go to waste.

"Heh, man you're lucky i always have a pair of extra hands lying around."


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"I am doing what I am best at. It is unfortunate for my family that their eldest son is a traveller who adheres to his sense of justice rather than carrying other responsibilities of a noble. It would be truly a tragedy for the line if not for my younger brother and sister. They are more down to Earth than I ever was. Even if there seems to be no way of return, I am not worried about who will inherit my fortune." The count was enough self aware to know that they could have been more productive ways of helping people than his methods as a rich man. Well, now formerly a rich man. "That said, I also travel around. That is not just because my enemies would not just come to me. The world on its own is filled with wonders to behold."


She downed the rest of her glass with a slight smile.  "You have a rare heart for adventure. But I know how you feel. When I left home, it was reassuring to know that my mother and siblings would be fine. I don't think I could have spent years on hunts and expeditions if I had that weight on my shoulders."

Of course, by now it was more her grand-nephews that she thought of.
[13:38:37] Helligator: Depends on the god, but gods by definition in Nasuverse are strong because they have divine authority.
[13:38:48] Kat: Even the toilet god?
[13:38:56] Helligator: No one worships toilets.
[13:39:00] Helligator: Don't be a shitlord.

[04:32:08] Helligator: I can't make dragons in power armor like this

[19:50:12] francobull III: [...] why are you being all assive aggressive?

[23:32:37] Helligator: use the narrative as a means to convey an interesting story and cool conflicts with the openness you're allowed
[23:32:43] Helligator: not to CHEAT stories and conflicts


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The two kept slashing at each other, clashing chi and blood over and over to the point sparks began to fly. Haha, just fall, fall, fall dammit! She could feel her own body, covered in wounds, pushed to its very limits, unable to break that pile of meat in front of her.

"AMAZING!!!" She roared as she increased her slashes in both speed and intensity.  Again, and again, and again. She'd cut her up, and be cut up, forever, and ever, and-

Her blade of blood cracked. As they clashed, the crystal blade of blood that boasted hardness that could pierce steel began to crack.


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"...I'm no knight." She mumbled in response to Vanguard. She was about to rebuke him when she suddenly found struck from behind, enveloped by the most devious of strikes. A simple hug from her master.


The blond saint was flailing her arms vildly, not being able to resist the dastardly attack.

"Master let go of me with haste. Oh to be brought down in such a way, what a disgrace I have become!"


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Sakura Matou

"Never!" Sakura exclaimed, proceeding to squeeze her servant even harder. "I am going to force you to do my will, and disgrace you even further."

"Bawahahahahaha!" She laughed wholeheartedly, pleased with her utterly evil and dastardly plan.

"I shall make you cook with me!"
« Last Edit: April 07, 2017, 08:46:12 PM by Sinib »

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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The gigantic warrior blinked, not only at Sakura's sudden words, but the shocking display the two were making. To be honest, it was the thing he'd least expect from anyone, lest in this moment. Perhaps he didn't even notice, but he couldn't help but cover his mouth in order to hold back a restrained giggle.

"If you don't mind, I have a suggestion." He said with a calm smile.


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The pirate was almost taken aback. He didn't expect the kid to be so.... compliant. Well, he wasn't going to complain! Besides, it was a fair deal, and he let him choose fairly.

"Alright!" He said in a confident cheer. "Well, if we're going to do this, I think we should get to know each other a bit better. To get a feel of how we both work, you know. Got any ideas partner?"


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In response to her complaints her enacted the ultimate countermeasure, a tickling assault, unleashed furiously on her unguarded stomach. "I'm afraid I'll have to charge a fee for an advanced service like that. Treating a girl as a queen is a daunting task after all." He went along with the joke she made.

"So tell me what we will be having Queen Noire, or do you prefer Black Heart... or maybe Empty Heart, since you're so hungry."