Author Topic: CE 3.0 2017-2018  (Read 146809 times)


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"Hm? Oh, me! I am the tyrant of love, the rose of the empire, the one and only, Nero Germanicus Ahenobarbus!"

Expecting instant recognition, the grandiose self-introduction of the little empress washe over her spectators, disregarding the awkward silence as awe.

"Now, feel free to give your names to grace these ears of mine!"

Umbra of Chaos

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Well, Rebecca less rose out of the pool and more scrambled out to grab her towel. It didn't matter how warm it was! Still felt cold to her. "Sure, that's fine with me! And maybe I can take you out to eat after or something."

Give and take. Good in exchange for good.


This place, Alicia had decided, was strange. The unnatural and mundane mingled so seamlessly in spite of it all, yet the good was so hard to find. But it was still there between the cracks. And, as always, there was beauty in their failings.

She moved forward, one foot after the other, and thought. It was far too slow to walk and hope to find the ill and injured. Perhaps she should open a clinic? But that line of thought was quickly interrupted by the pitiable sound of a surprised dog.

With wide eyes Alicia's gaze darted over to the sound and she rushed over with the speed of a beast. Then she quickly lifted the box and lifted the small dog effortlessly. "Well, hello there. I don't suppose you're hurt, are you?"

The question was followed by her gently placing the animal back on the ground, watching carefully for any sort of limp or obvious problem.


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His cold eyes narrowed. In the end, his faith and struggles amounted to nothing. Impaled and hung towards the heavens, the puppet of God shone with otherworldly radiance under the sun. Even in death, he was showered with the light of the gods. But they would grant him no salvation, the dead had no need for such a thing in the first place.

And then, a miracle happened. As if brought back to life, the phantom gripped his blade and roared a declaration that shook Vanguard. His  eyes widened, and without even realizing it he took a step back.


Could it be that that man had made him feel fear!? No, impossible! Absurd!! This notion was nothing more than rubbish, but for a second he felt that if he did not deal with that man adequately he would be the one to perish. Despite having no life, his metallic body instinctively chose the path of self preservation and dispelled his weapon. That was all.

With a swift motion, he grabbed the holy man's face and ruthlessly charged without a shred of hesitation, as if he was possessed by the devil himself. He ran with the wounded man's face in his hand and slammed him straight into a pillar, causing fire to erupt from the holy man's back as his limbs burned away into ash. There was no escape, no mercy in his grip, nothing but wrath and desperation.

But at the last second, he let go. In that moment, a second miracle occurred. The servant had been ravaged, his body close to complete destruction.

His grip was enough to crush metal like a vice, and with no pity he threw the body out of his way. Despite the moment being short, it seemed to stretch forever as if time was frozen. Or perhaps Vanguard himself was frozen.

His face was hidden from that man, all the holy man could see was his back. The only thing that could be heard were his solemn words.

"Your faith was superb. If your strength was able to match it, you would have been able to best me."

Leo I

So thats it?  I don't understand.  Why did I lose?  I am the pope, god's translator....

A torrent of rain covered the landscape.  A rich city once filled with life cowered inside the sanctity of their own homes, all because of simple raindrops.  It was a silly thought, the idea that people hid in their homes because they were afraid of rain.  Then again, one wouldn't expect the pope of rome to be sitting outside a small church pondering such a absurd notion.

Among the sound of a million droplets of rain striking the ground, footsteps rushing through the streets could be heard.  As it came closer, the pope could hear panting overpowering the loud roar of the rain shower.  The boy, soaked head to toe had rushed to the church with a bible in hand.  A frown of bewilderment overcame the preist's face, but nonetheless, he guided the boy inside.

There was a moment of silence, a moment where all that could be heard was the sound of drops striking the window's of the church.  The boy glanced up at the pope and held out the bible.  "I don't understand this book,"

"Excuse me child?  What do you mean you don't understand?"

"This book doesn't make sense.  Why would Adam and Eve consume the apple when tempted by the devil, some guy they don't know?"

"Words are far more powerful then you may think," the priest said after some thought.  "They hold the power to change hearts and minds, even with resistance."

The boy glared at him.  He was clearly displeased with this answer.  "But if some guy I didn't know told me to eat an apple, I wouldn't do it!  Thats silly!  Did god make us stupid?"

The priest laughed.  Such genuine criticism could only come from the mind of a child.  Men grow old and feeble, curropted by their experince.  As they grow smarter, they sometimes fail to ask such simple questions.  A simple question required a simple answer.

"God made us strong.  God made us smart.  God made us resourceful.  But God did not keep us from being foolish.  Tell me, don't you think its silly to run in a rainstorm like this just to satisfy your curiosity."

The boy smiled.  "But it makes me happy!"

The priest's flew silently into the pillar, a cold stare accompanying his flight.  There was so much to say to the man.  As much he hated to admit it, he felt as though the two had something in common.  It was something so simple, yet so central to their very soul.  But maybe it didn't matter.  In the heat of the moment, when their fists clash, the extraneous nature of human communication becomes moot and a strange intimacy is created.  That is why he probably would never need to tell him a word.

The priest's body finally struck the pillar, his body being engulfed by flames.  However, there was something almost ethereal about the way in which he was burned.  The fire was not orange, but a rainbow of color and heat.  The energy generated from the flames was as varied as the human heart that it burned.  The pope rose to his feet with a fluidity that was just plain unnatural for a man dying.  Indeed, it was far more like his body and soul had merged, becoming a true ghost.

"I disagree," the priest said.  "It was not strength that won you this fight."

A slow step marked his approach and the priest gave the demon a somber smile.  "The difference between you and I is that you were not bound by the foolish whims of obligation, but as such you will never enjoy its shelter. For the first time in his entire life, the priest turned away from someone he was talking too.  His eyes lingered on the dawn.  The faced that returned was screwed up in pain. "You... you once gave your heart to faith too didn't you?"


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The poor dog tried to struggle its way out of the crates to no avail, whimpering like a hurt sad puppy. Shoot, how could this happen!? Before she could consider where she went wrong and rethink her life, a sudden smell came noticed by her acute noise. It smelled... fleshy, warm, human, and possibly delicious.

That's right! A human must've heard her cries and came to help her, like a destined savior meant to pull her out of this darkness.

"Yes! Hey, bro! Come on, help me out! I'm-"

Oh no. Oh no no. Crap, why here? Why her!? Of all possible people, her kind were the last she wanted anything to do with. Her ears moved back and she tried to crawl her way back to no avail. Eek! D-don't come any closer! She whined at the sight of the church member, ready to bite as soon as she touched her precious fur.


She couldn't believe her eyes at the sudden predicament, in fact she had to blink to believe it. She saved her. It seemed luck was on her side after all, phew!

"Ow ow ow ow! What do you think!? Sheesh... " She shok her way out of her hands and landed gracefully on the floor,licking her wounds before checking over her beautiful body, spinning around in a honestly adorable fashion before gasping in horror at the sight of her paw.

"No... my nail..." Her voice was pained, shocked, and her eyes looked like they were just about to shed tears as she sat in a ladylike manner, gazing at her paw's broken nails in shock and horror.

Umbra of Chaos

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She blinked for a moment. A talking dog. Or something that could become a dog. Regardless, Alicia wasn't one to judge in these kinds of cases. She simply kneeled down and held out her hand. "Here, give me your paw. Just close your eyes and I'll fix everything up in a moment."


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The poor dog stopped entirely, as if frozen, and glared at the church member suspiciously. Despite that, she figured she could trust her a little, so she did as she asked and handed her her paw, looking away with closed indignant eyes. Seriously, for a mere human to touch her like this, how shameless!


Umbra of Chaos

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Without a second thought Alicia's power flowed into the dog. The wounds grew teeth and with frightening chewing noises quickly closed before vanishing entirely. Strands of uncomfortably flexible keratin grew out of the nails, twisting together and rapidly solidifying into a whole.

The animal was immaculate now! "All done. Now, what in the world were you doing around here?"


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The dog shifted unconfortably and squeezed her shut eyes hard, nervously trying to ignore the creepy noises. But all of a sudden, she felt a whole lot better. Almost fearfully, she opened her eyes slowly, only for them to widen in surprize as her body was, in fact, as good and beautiful as new.

"W-woah! Amazing! Just how did you do that!?" She couldn't help but say out loud, only to realize she asked a question. A very troublesome question in fact. S-shoot, um, think fast Cossie! Don't sweat it...

She was litterally sweating over it, just a little though.

"Hmph! Is it so weird for a lady to take a stroll? I'll let you know my walks are of no business of yours, sister!" She turned away and pouted, quite shocked and nervously trying to dodge the subject, in all honesty. It wasn't very pleasant...

"But thanks. Honestly, I owe you one." She added with a cheery doggo smile, wagingher tail whimsically before turning around towards her  stroking her fur over her leg. "Saaaay, what are you doing here?" She asked whimsically.

Umbra of Chaos

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"Oh, it's new secret. I simply had a natural source of power. God gave me the ability to use it justly. That's what I was doing here. To help those that need it and can't acquire it easily. Like small dogs in danger of being crushed." She gave a little smile and stayed kneeling. It was more respectful to not loom over the canine like that.


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"Hey! I'm not small!" She protested,  practically jumping over her and holding her mushy cheeks by her two paws, staring intensely at her eyes. She was a big, dignified lady and she would be treated as such. And honestly, this whole shenanigan about God and whatnot sounded like a pain. Well, that and the clothes explained the smell of incense.

But if she'd start preaching to Jesus or whatever she swore she'd suplex her!

"Besides, are you an idiot?? It's dangerous to travel around these parts! Geez..." She let go of her cheeks and  circled her, wagging her tail all the same. She must've been in a good mood, and honestly, she was glad about the favor, so she made a mental note of not eating her! Yet!

"You're pretty hopeless. Hey, how about I guide you around? Trust me, you don't want to get lost around these parts..."

Umbra of Chaos

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"If it's dangerous then it's even more pertinent that I be here. Those in need require my aid most of all. But of course, you know this place far better than I. I would be very thankful for your guidance." She did her best to nod as well, despite the paws on her face.


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"Hmph!" She puffed her chest to assert dominance, after all, she was the top dog here! But then, she remembered something. So she raised herself by her hind paws in a manner as ladylike as her canine form could allow and extended her front paw to her, as if to shake her hand. "That's right, how rude of me! I forgot to give you my name. Name's Costin, but you can call me Cossie. Nice to meet ya!"

Umbra of Chaos

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The nun reached out with one of her own hands and shook the dog's paw without even the slightest bit of hesitation. "I'm blessed to meet you, Costin. I am Alicia." And despite the scene she was utterly genuine.


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"Hehe, you're a pretty polite lady! I'm kinda jealous, with a cute face like that guys must swoon left and right over you." She told her cheerfully as they shook hands, or paws. Whatever.

And with an amazing display of acrobatics, she leapt up and flipped over, landing right over the nun's arms. "I'll lead the way. Onward sister!" She cheered, pointing forward with her paw.

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She nodded gracefully as she stood up. "So long as you do I will follow, Costin." And Alicia started walking as tirelessly as she had before.