Author Topic: Cross Effects: Ask The Characters  (Read 33559 times)

Mordalfus Grea

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Re: Cross Effects: Ask The Characters
« Reply #60 on: November 29, 2013, 01:52:51 AM »
Dear Forest; If Deadpool showed up a began to harass your tenants, how would you respond?

Dear AxeCop, Inferno Cop & Doomrider: What is you opinion towards your fourth member of your team of police officers, Kusagari aka GunCop?

Dear Lancer; How would you respond if your teacher, a certain witch, showed up in the apartment? If you met a female version of yourself, how would you respond? If you got to fight Joe's brother, the same one that beat the shit out of Hercules and Thor, how would you react?

Dear Downy; Are you related to Clow Reed?

Dear Kiyoshi; What Marvel Universe Characters and Heroes do you know of?

General Question to Current Apartment Tenants; How do you feel about the fact that there is a vampire that not only drinks blood but also devours the souls of those they drain and is running around the city, your general feelings?
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Re: Cross Effects: Ask The Characters
« Reply #61 on: November 29, 2013, 03:39:49 AM »

Axe Cop: Can you explain the feeling of chopping heads? Is it still thrilling after all your adventures?? Another question would be, what do you think of your actual team?
Axe Cop: Chopping heads is like eating ice cream, or if you don't like ice cream, your favourite food. You just never get tired of it even after you get to the point where people start giving you strange looks. As for my team, they're a solid bunch, but I think they've got a few too many screws loose. Inferno Cop's like my long lost half step brother. I just can't stay angry at those sunglasses and fired up personality. Doom Cop Rider is okay. He's really only on the team because of a technicality. See, on Earth, cocaine is illegal, but on Cocaine World it isn't. Since I don't know if I'm on Earth, I don't know if it's illegal, so it's okay for me to hire him on that basis.

Dear AxeCop, Inferno Cop and DoomRider: Your Thoughts of on InternCop aka GunCop aka Kusagari?

Ah, Gun Cop! Now that kid's okay. It's rare to see someone so well adjusted in the business. I'd go on adventures with him every day, especially since I won't have to be the straight man with him around. He needs to broaden his armoury though. You can never have enough weapons. Heck, I even bought all the weapons once, and that still wasn't enough!

Soooo question to AxeCop: What happened to Bat Warthog Man?!

Oh him? He's fine. He's got his friends back, so he stopped crying all the time. Last I heard he and Sockarang were discussing teaming up, but it didn't work because Sockarang forgot to wash his socks that day and Bat Warthog Man couldn't stand the smell thanks to his super smelling powers. Sockarang was so embarrassed he slept in the washing machine and ate only detergent for a week. Now he smells super clean and has cleaning powers, but also has a weakness to dirt.

Anyway, question to the tenants of the apartment:

Do you people not know how to answer the door when someone's knocking? Sincerely, Not Axe Cop.


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Re: Cross Effects: Ask The Characters
« Reply #62 on: November 29, 2013, 09:39:09 PM »
Dear Forest; If Deadpool showed up a began to harass your tenants, how would you respond?

Forest: Deadpool, Deadpool, Deadpool . . . What is everyone's fascination with the Merc with a Mouth?  You know he was co-created by Rob Liedfield right?  How can anything co-created by Rob Liedfield be as beloved as Wade?  It makes absolutely no bloody sense. 

If Wade did show up, I'll throw him off his game by being nice to him.  No one is ever nice to him, and maybe ask Rider to flirt with him.  She's prettier and bustier than I am.  If that doesn't work, I'd throw Lancer at him.

Dear Lancer; How would you respond if your teacher, a certain witch, showed up in the apartment? If you met a female version of yourself, how would you respond? If you got to fight Joe's brother, the same one that beat the shit out of Hercules and Thor, how would you react?

Lancer: Sacathach here?  I'd introduce her to Forest.  I'd imagine my old teacher and current landlady would hit it off.

Now if I met a female version of myself?  I'd probably respond by showing her my Gae Bolg and ask if she could handle it.

Wait, Joe has brothers that are stronger than him? *Sparkles!*  I say bring it on, it twould be a good fight.

General Question to Current Apartment Tenants; How do you feel about the fact that there is a vampire that not only drinks blood but also devours the souls of those they drain and is running around the city, your general feelings?

D.Archer: Unless they attacks Rin or someone that Rin is fond of, I don't care.  If she comes after Rin or someone Rin cares about, well, I've hunted a few Dead Apostles in my day.

Lancer: Stealing someone's soul is going into territory I won't even tolerate.  I'd show em the business end of Gae Bolg.

Forest: *Sighs* Depending on what they're doing.  If they're actively doing evil?  Terminate with extreme prejudice.  If they need help?  Then I'll try to help them, but if they're a danger to others . . . Well, ever seen Old Yeller?

Do you people not know how to answer the door when someone's knocking? Sincerely, Not Axe Cop.

D. Archer: I'm a bit involved at the moment, Officer.

Lancer: Eh, I guess I could answer the door.

Forest: I've been busy keeping idiots from killing each other and trying to get clothing!

Angra- How do you feel about Forest kicking you out of her compound?

Shuya: Do you know how hard it is going to be to teach Lancer to play cards, right?

Finn: What's your favorite magical girl series?
« Last Edit: November 29, 2013, 09:41:07 PM by Elf »

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Re: Cross Effects: Ask The Characters
« Reply #63 on: November 30, 2013, 04:05:53 AM »
General Question to Current Apartment Tenants; How do you feel about the fact that there is a vampire that not only drinks blood but also devours the souls of those they drain and is running around the city, your general feelings?
LAWRENCE: Wait, they can do that?!
DRIVER: A mistress of blood and souls... sounds delightful
LAWRENCE: Anyway, I can't complain as I've sorta eaten souls before, or at least the Driver has, and through extension, me. Aside from Forest, I haven't met any Vampires.


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Re: Cross Effects: Ask The Characters
« Reply #64 on: November 30, 2013, 06:16:19 AM »

Question for everyone: Any plan for the next day?


Dear Ruu: In your own words, what is the meaning of life? Also why do you speak in the third person?

Ruu: Currently searching for one.

What sort of music do you listen to?

Isabella: Jazz...
Vanessa: ..and Pop. A little of Classical too.
Shuya: Rather eclectic, really. Right now, I'm into Exhorder stuff and some German melodies.
Ruu: Hardcore Punk.
Isa, Nessa, Shuya: wut???

General question, what's your approach to fighting?

Isa: Debuff/neutralization mostly.
Nessa: What she said, but I prefer hit and run tactics.
Shuya: Straight-forward approach.
Ruu: Hit until there's nothing much left.

How do you feel about the fact that there is a vampire that not only drinks blood but also devours the souls of those they drain and is running around the city, your general feelings?

Isa: That's pretty bad news. We have to do something about it.
Nessa: Hm, I dunno. Looks like a headache, but leaving it alone would probably doom lots of mobs.
Shuya: Meh, would they be a real opponent, is what interests me.
Ruu: Ruu will stop it.

Do you people not know how to answer the door when someone's knocking? Sincerely, Not Axe Cop.

Isa, Nessa: Zzz...
Shuya: Ain't my job.
Ruu: WOOOOOH!!! *watching magical girls*

Shuya: Do you know how hard it is going to be to teach Lancer to play cards, right?

Shuya: I like challenges and I got time.


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Re: Cross Effects: Ask The Characters
« Reply #65 on: December 01, 2013, 08:34:22 AM »
Angra: she can demand it all she wants but I'll leave when I get bored, or bribed.

Mordalfus Grea

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Re: Cross Effects: Ask The Characters
« Reply #66 on: December 02, 2013, 03:18:49 AM »
Dear Sakura: If Shirou was turned into a girl for a weeks time, what would you do in that weeks time?

Dear Rider: If you encountered a female version of Perseus, how would you react? What would you do?

Dear Ruu: Does Sugar or caffeine have any effect on you at all?

Dear Angra: So what is your sexuality?

Dear Saber Alter: There are multiple Shirou's in the City now, have you thought of patching up old wounds and moving on? Also have you met Taiga?

Dear Taiga: If you could do anything for Saber [Alter] what would it be?

Dear Satoshi: So about you castle, what are you gonna do when law enforcement asks for your building permit to build your castle?

Dear AxeCop: Are there any laws about Vampires, Magical Beings of Legendary Status, Magical Wielders, Demi-Humans, and Extra-Dimensional Beings we should know about?
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Re: Cross Effects: Ask The Characters
« Reply #67 on: December 02, 2013, 05:27:01 AM »
Alter: I shall continue my master's correct vision for the future but I do not intend to patch up old wounds. As for Taiga, no.

Taiga: I dunno, I only know what mama is like when dark.


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Re: Cross Effects: Ask The Characters
« Reply #68 on: December 02, 2013, 07:03:40 AM »
Dear AxeCop: Are there any laws about Vampires, Magical Beings of Legendary Status, Magical Wielders, Demi-Humans, and Extra-Dimensional Beings we should know about?

Not especially. Apparently back in Book Cop's time there were discriminatory laws against non-humans, but he put a stop to it after beating up and then arresting the King of Evil Laws. Now they're treated just like everyone else. I remember teaming up with two vampire wizard ninja brothers from the moon (one of them was a werewolf) and they were swell guys.

Of course, there are laws, but they are fair. For vampires, drinking without someone's permission is the same as rape, unless they're draining a Bad Guy. Going too far and draining someone dry is considered the same as erotic asphyxiation, and treated like a crime.

With Magic, that's not really Cop business. The guys from the Magic World handle that, and they don't really like Cops after a certain... incident. So we just treat magic like a tool. Do whatever you want as long as it doesn't hurt or mess with other people.

Demi-humans are humans too.

Extra-Dimensional Beings and ghosts need to have a license if they're going to be making giant waves of power and disturbing the peace by making people go crazy, but otherwise we treat them like any other person with super powers. Remember Cthulhu? He didn't follow the rules, and I turned him into sushi because of it. He tasted horrible, by the way.


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Re: Cross Effects: Ask The Characters
« Reply #69 on: December 04, 2013, 07:17:20 AM »
Connor: I'm gonna go punch Satoshi in the face.

Sakura: replace punch with a boot to the head

Satoshi: Doc robots


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Re: Cross Effects: Ask The Characters
« Reply #70 on: December 04, 2013, 07:25:13 AM »
...lantz, do you mind at least posting what you're responding to there? It just feels like you're posting random stuff in here for the sake of posting random stuff, and that constitutes spam posting.

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Re: Cross Effects: Ask The Characters
« Reply #71 on: December 04, 2013, 07:27:20 AM »
Daiki's question Alice, he asked it to everyone.

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Re: Cross Effects: Ask The Characters
« Reply #72 on: December 04, 2013, 07:31:17 AM »
Plans for the next day:

Inferno Cop: Planning? ZWING


Nachos himself: Sweet fuck all, and fuck everyone who tries to make me do otherwise

Mordalfus Grea

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Re: Cross Effects: Ask The Characters
« Reply #73 on: December 05, 2013, 06:32:43 AM »
Plans for the Next Day?

Joe: I still plan on fighting Lancer and then challenging him to drinking contest afterwards


Enthralled!Mu: It all depends on masters plans.

Mu: I still plan on escaping his grasp but until I get a job that sends me a distance from him, I am stuck


Kusagari: I am still tending the fort and I would like a reprieve of sorts, I am not a machine so I still need sleep.


Seras: Well I mainly hope to find a place for the night, I may not have a casket to rest in but I have plenty of soil from home. Plus getting to know mr Twitchy would be nice too


Imiganai: I see no need to inform you corrupted ingrates, begone!
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Re: Cross Effects: Ask The Characters
« Reply #74 on: December 06, 2013, 05:16:10 AM »
Question for everyone: Any plan for the next day?

Lancer: Drinking and fighting hopefully.  If this shit dies down, I'll get to fight Joe.  Or maybe go on an adventure with Axe Cop to fight something.

D. Archer: Taunt Emiya Shirou about being a failure, taunt my Moon Cell Goodie-Good count part about his crush on the mousy girl, needle Lancer, and spend quality time with Rin.

Forest: Well, I need to make sure Isa gets a "Plan B" pill and maybe brood about how lonely my eternal existence is.  Or punch someone in the face. Maybe watch the first season of "Burn Notice" just for shits and giggles.  And Bruce Campbell.