Author Topic: Pine Garden  (Read 89239 times)


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Re: Pine Garden
« Reply #945 on: January 18, 2020, 11:48:23 PM »

Emiya plugged in his rice cooker and said, "Well, every good breakfast must have rice.  Oyakodon sounds like a good idea with a bowl of miso.  That way you get protein but it's still light enough on your stomach."

He folded his arms across his chest and frowned.  "Should we have green tea or black tea?"


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Re: Pine Garden
« Reply #946 on: January 18, 2020, 11:51:11 PM »

Emiya plugged in his rice cooker and said, "Well, every good breakfast must have rice.  Oyakodon sounds like a good idea with a bowl of miso.  That way you get protein but it's still light enough on your stomach."

He folded his arms across his chest and frowned.  "Should we have green tea or black tea?"


Tsumiko blinked. "Huh? Different types of tea?"

She cocked her head and frowned. "When I cook, it's fun, but it feels like I'm just following along with my instincts, if that makes sense? I don't actually know why I'm so good at it." She scratched her chin and frowned.

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Re: Pine Garden
« Reply #947 on: January 18, 2020, 11:59:12 PM »

Emiya grinned at Tsumiko's words and said, "Oh there are many different types of teas."

He walked over to his pantry and threw it open.  "I have Green, Matcha, Green with Mint, Black Tea, English Breakfast, Irish Breakfast, Earl Grey, Constant Commit, several herbals, barley tea, and Liver Disaster."

He rubbed his chin and said, "Barley tea is better when it's hot outside because it's good iced."

He shook his head and said, "Of course you're good at cooking, it's a huge part of what makes you."


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Re: Pine Garden
« Reply #948 on: January 19, 2020, 12:01:00 AM »

Emiya grinned at Tsumiko's words and said, "Oh there are many different types of teas."

He walked over to his pantry and threw it open.  "I have Green, Matcha, Green with Mint, Black Tea, English Breakfast, Irish Breakfast, Earl Grey, Constant Commit, several herbals, barley tea, and Liver Disaster."

He rubbed his chin and said, "Barley tea is better when it's hot outside because it's good iced."

He shook his head and said, "Of course you're good at cooking, it's a huge part of what makes you."


The girl looked a bit perplexed and disturbed. "Huh..." She muttered, biting her lower lip.

Why was that last phrase nagging her so much?

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

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Re: Pine Garden
« Reply #949 on: January 19, 2020, 12:06:32 AM »

Emiya inwardly cringed at his careless words.

Instead he said, "So, which tea would you like to try?  I think you might like one of the Western teas actually."


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Re: Pine Garden
« Reply #950 on: January 19, 2020, 01:01:00 AM »

He kept punching, again and again, and again, surrounded by a red aura. Each passing moment, each strike caused it to wane, his muscles to recede... and eventually, the sound of breaking bones kept pounding again and again and again. Were his strikes starting to truly damage that monster?


Each following impact, his hands were shattering. His fingers cracked, snapped, and melded with one another. His hands split, ground up and welded shut. It looked like he was striking with nothing but bloody stumps, his arms, and body receiving a great shock with each passing strike.

But none of it, none of it, could prepare him for the following impact. A strike plummeted on his face, its strength and precision like a wrecking ball's... the side of his skull smashed and exposed open... his red aura and strengthening gone from his body, now back to its original size...

But he didn't relent.

The red aura shot out of his body again, his muscles screamed, the sound of shattered bones filled the air again, and with eyes glowing like red flashlights, he dragged his face against the brat's arm, despite his head being smashed, and grabbed his face with his bloody digits, his grip tight as a vice.

"ORAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!" He used all the strength in his body to run forwards and drag the kid along, intending to smash his head on the opposite wall of the church.


Entheo could feel his fist slam into the man's skull.  That felt right.  However, for the third time, Entheo's eyes widened as he felt the assassin's fingers wrap around his head, his vision obscured by the man's palm.   Dragged along the concrete walls, felt the burn of his skin being worn down.

Meanwhile, the ghost emerged from his body in the form of Sakuyomi Gezo.  The large muscular old man's transparent hand attempted to grab the man's face, attempting to slam him into the ground.  An eye for any eye, because he spit blood in Entheo's face.
« Last Edit: January 19, 2020, 02:06:12 AM by yinsukin »


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Re: Pine Garden
« Reply #951 on: January 19, 2020, 06:13:27 PM »

Eruraviel's normally purple eyes suddenly turned blood red, and both sage and Amanda could feel their souls being violated by her eyes. The air itself got thicker and more difficult to breathe, and the palm of Eru's hand crackled with evocative magic.

"Excuse me? Are you making light of me, Amanda?"

The elf in the fetish maid outfit began to gather her power.


Sage had been watching with a fierce intensity as the human, Amanda, escalated her criticisms to the level of unvarnished insult. It was not the human this dragon observed though, but rather Eruraviel. Her eyes were fierce, piercing, and she only looked away when her elven baby father rose to the challenge with all the malevolent might at her disposal.

Her elven form's face grew red and warm in anticipation.


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Re: Pine Garden
« Reply #952 on: January 20, 2020, 12:31:31 AM »

Aruna giggled and said,  "Sure sure.  I can show you a hunting spot.  What do you eat Destroyah?  I live off of human souls but I know not all creatures share the same diet."

"I, personally, drain the lifeforce~. They become all shriveled and scrawny after being sucked dry." The teenage psychopath explained, smile taking on a more...expressive turn.

A split second later her smile returned to normal, "Now~, now~, let's go have some fun!"


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Re: Pine Garden
« Reply #953 on: January 20, 2020, 01:30:15 AM »

The impact slammed on his face, so the phantasm was already back and shoving him straight into the ground. The blow was immense, so much that the glassshattered, sending beads of multicolored light flying all over as the precious window's artwork broke along with the ground.

Only to reveal the ax spinning towards Entheo, which was flying back towards Shinji when he first dropped it... only for him to be downed so the kid would take the hit and not Shinji. Another trap.


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Re: Pine Garden
« Reply #954 on: January 20, 2020, 01:45:55 AM »

"Life force huh?" Aruna mused.  She really did sound like she was one of the old-timey demons, especially if she had such a blatant show of dominance.  The new age demon felt her heart sink as she lamented that lost lust for blood.  Although, there was a reason they did not engage in such behavior anymore.

Brown walls were illuminated by cozy lamps, decorated with a lavash counter top.  A single man stood behind the counter, trying his hardest to stifle his frown.  Three men huddled around a table.  One rested their head on the table while the other two fumbled with some cards.  The bartender tried his best not to look annoyed at the three men.  He was pretty sure they were driving away customers.  Ever since they came here, the place had been hallowed out.  If only they could go away somehow......

Meanwhile, Aruna and Destroyah stood on the top of the roof.  "Now heres the plan," she said.  "I shall cast a spell to open several portals.  You can go through the portal, land on one of them then BAM!"


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Re: Pine Garden
« Reply #955 on: January 20, 2020, 03:42:12 AM »

The ghost of Gezo, raised his arm back, slamming his meaty fist into the assassin's face, beating him like one would a punching bag.  Entheo reached out and caught the axe with his free hand, all while delivering a kick to the assassin's side. Entheo's arm synchronized with Gezo's body, his arm coming back and forward with the ancient warrior until they were completely overlaid.  All the while, Gezo's other arm continued to slam into the assassin's body, even though Entheo's hand still held the axe.

"Its over," he said, delivering a slash intended to slice cleanly through the assassin's throat.
« Last Edit: January 20, 2020, 03:49:16 AM by yinsukin »


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Re: Pine Garden
« Reply #956 on: January 20, 2020, 04:03:47 AM »

The earth shook like an earthquake suddenly assailed it. He just kept taking blow after blow after blow, his face barely resembled a face and his ribs cracked all over. He was getting absolutely demolished.

Yare yare daze, this brat's fist is too soft. I can barely feel this shit. Oh wait, it must be blood loss. Oh boy.

And just when he got tired of it, a glimmer shone in his eye. The moment the kid gripped the ax, the whole game board flipped. No... Gezo did!

Shinji's now thick legs had snapped into motion and wrapped around the ghost's arm that was grabbing him. With all the strength of his body, he flipped the warrior over him and reversed their positions completely, pinning his arm in a deadlock using his legs. At the same time, the ax the kid was so confident gripping immediately moved without warning, spinning out of control with ungodly speed and hurling the kid along the ride, pulling him straight into Shinji.

« Last Edit: January 22, 2020, 06:49:20 PM by francobull3 »


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Re: Pine Garden
« Reply #957 on: January 20, 2020, 04:28:53 AM »

The second Entheo grabbed the axe, Gezo's voice rang in his mind.  No you fool!  The guandao! Use it!

Flying through the air, the warrior let his hands fall limp, giving into the flow of battle.  The guandao appeared in his hands, digging into the concrete floor.  Using the momentum Entheo spun around the pole, roundhouse kicking the assassin in the face.  Meanwhile, Gezo's form moved towards Entheo, eventually fading as it came closer to his body.


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Re: Pine Garden
« Reply #958 on: January 20, 2020, 04:36:53 AM »


He expected the kid to come straight to him so he could pin him a chokehold. Instead, he barely registered the blur that sent a roundhouse kick slamming straight in his face. The impact fully smashed his face sending him sprawling back like a bloody ragdoll.

And yet, it wouldn't relent.

His body flipped and his feet and fingers were digging against the church floor. He was literally bleeding all over, on all fours more like an animal than a man... and yet the most horrific part was the fact his head and neck were completely dislocated, facing back 180 degrees.

Until it snapped back to face the brat, revealing not a man but a bloody lump of muscle and white bone... and his bleeding skull glaring right at Entheo with an expression that couldn't be described inbetween rage and joy. Or maybe it wasn't an expression, because it was a skul and skulls can't emote.

"Not bad kid. Wonder if you'll be able to do me in." The axe flew straight into his hand and he smashed it on the ground.

"But if you lower your guard, you'll be in a world of pain."

After all, this was just business as usual.


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Re: Pine Garden
« Reply #959 on: January 20, 2020, 04:47:31 AM »

In direct contrast, Entheo landed gracefully on the ground, dusting himself off.  The guandao behind him vanished and reappeared within his hands.  Another close call...

We need to keep our stance low this time.  We cannot worry about predicting his strikes...  We both remember all the street fights I have been through, its all about a slight of hand.

Screw that, we are doing it my way now.

"A world of pain huh?" Entheo said, cracking his neck.  "Honestly i'm already hurting, what with the blood stinging my eyes.  If your looking to die, sorry but I like you a little too much.  I'll be happy to chop you up for all the trouble you've caused though."

My experience won't be able to save you this time.

Well sometimes I don't want your experince, sometimes I just want you.  Back me up.