Spidey"Pfff. WHatever suckas. Well, Ill just go for a quick number one and meet up with yall." A suddenly shady grin crept up his face, a dark shadow of very unclean intent. "We're going to rock this!" He gave them a thumbs up and shifted away while standing compleeeetely still. Just baaacked away...
In a dark corner of the hideoutHeh. So it was there after all. He noticed it as they dragged him through the hideout when he got shot, but he wasn't sure if it was an hallucination. But there it was. He had been looking for years for something like this. This was a once in a lifetime opportunity.
Lovey Dovey Maidey In Love - Deluxe 2003 edition! This wasn't just your average run of the mill porno mag. This was a collector's item! This was the stuff of legends! And he found it right there, right in the corner of the hallway.
"Ohoho! I wonder who will it be this time! Alice? Maya? Sandra? Ohoooo! I just can't wait to turn the paaage!"
He twirled his fingers with a crazed expression, but checked back and forth to make sure he wasn't being watched or followed. No, he hid carefully, right in the corner of the ceiling. Right here, no one would look for him.
He fliiiiiipped a paaaaaaage! And yet-
"Huh? Blank? The hecc?" He raised an eyebrow and stuck out his tongue, flipping more pages. No way! The special edition was... empty?
He turned it upside down back and forth, and stared at it with confusion. He kept flipping pages until he noticed something on the corner of an empty page.

"What's this...?"
If.He turned another page. For some reason, his spine started to feel cold.
You.H-hey. What the heck was this? Was this some kind of sick joke? H-he was just a kid. This was supposed to be a fun magazine. Why was the writing all red and ominous like that?
Open.Sweat started to drip down his forehead.
The.Sweat started dripping from every pore of his body.
Next.Spidey started shivering and curled up a bit.

His fingers started to shiver. He was just about to flip to the next page.
On the other side of the hideout, where Justice and Suerte were talking, the two could hear a faint... gunshot.