Author Topic: Great Dojo  (Read 47622 times)


  • Panda
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Re: Great Dojo
« Reply #225 on: December 25, 2019, 02:01:05 AM »

The sparks lighting in her core turned into a full on blaze as he said that, the squirrel girl bursting into motion as he took his stance. Contrary to what he said, he seemed slower now, but she was past caring now. She simply leaped up as he moved to attack, her legs opening as she went up only for the thighs to clamp shut around the blondie's head. Without pause, she threw herself back, trying to pull him off the ground with the sheer momentum and her leggy grip on him.

"Speaking of desert," she moaned back at him, as she tried to toss him to the ground with a sudden hurricana!
« Last Edit: December 25, 2019, 02:02:18 AM by Panda »
[8:49:50 AM] Daniel Mahan: He can still get RAEG
[8:49:52 AM] Daniel Mahan: Just better at not loosing his marbles over it.
[8:50:09 AM] Helligator:> losing his marbles over it
                                      I seeeee what you did there

[11:00:22 PM] francobull III: elf, will you do rin?
[11:00:33 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I would love to do Rin!
[11:00:39 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I'd bend her over and . . .
[11:00:45 PM] francobull III: woah woah

francobulli'd - Today at 4:53 PM
i litterally
not penetration

Sakura Today at 7:09 PM
don't see anything that triggers my gm senses


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Re: Great Dojo
« Reply #226 on: December 25, 2019, 11:06:30 PM »

"Wha-MHPHHHRHHGHHHFFF!!" A sudden blur evaded his rush, and the next thing he knew something horrible gripped on his face like a vice.

Repressed childhood memories of that one time he stayed up late to watch Alien resurfaced. A facehugger!!

Incoherent screams echoed as he stumbled through the hurricana and tried to punch her waist like he never punched anything ever.


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Re: Great Dojo
« Reply #227 on: December 25, 2019, 11:14:08 PM »

"Wha? Oh- ooooh. Okay, okay. I get it now." He looked at her wide eyed like a kid looking up to a big sister.

Two rocket fingers shot straight up her eyes, propelled by starfire. A super fast, regular eye poke. She could not use a palm to guard, no, only a fist!
« Last Edit: December 25, 2019, 11:15:56 PM by francobull3 »


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Re: Great Dojo
« Reply #228 on: December 25, 2019, 11:44:14 PM »


His fingers flew through empty air as the woman he was aiming at simply disappeared without a trace, no sound and no flashy lights, she was simply gone.

"Nice try, but you can't surprise me with your paltry tricks. I know what you're gonna before even you do."

The voice was right behind him but surely she couldn't have moved that fast could she?

"You're an open book."


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Re: Great Dojo
« Reply #229 on: December 26, 2019, 02:59:40 AM »

"Oh really?" A hot gleam flashed as he turned around, his elbow stretched with his palm open. He brought it down where the taunting voice came! Slash!

"Don't get cut flipping the page!"


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Re: Great Dojo
« Reply #230 on: December 26, 2019, 08:50:38 PM »


In the time it took him to turn around Amanda flicked two fingers up and the very earth itself answered her call, a mighty wall rose from the ground just in time to impede his slash completely.

"How cute. You're making me use two whole fingers to stop you." She wagged her fingers at him in the least threatening way possible, no she seemed more amused than anything. "Don't make me go serious, it would be such a shame to neuter you...Hmm, do you even have balls?"
« Last Edit: December 26, 2019, 08:55:16 PM by Bern »


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Re: Great Dojo
« Reply #231 on: December 28, 2019, 01:21:30 PM »

"Who knows?" His black eye flashed, and like an animal, his reflexes kicked in. He bashed on the wall before he ran on all fours over it, flipping over it in a single motion. Rushing towards her was the fallen comet, unleashing a flurry of hand jabs!

"I like to keep you guessing."


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Re: Great Dojo
« Reply #232 on: December 28, 2019, 03:14:46 PM »

Of course she felt him, even saw him move, her eyes were just on another level. It was a shame really, this might have been an interesting battle, might being the key word here. Unfortunately everything was against it being so, from his condition to how he was naturally disadvantaged against, but especially the location was against him.

If only they hadn't chosen a place with so much ambient energy lingering about after the clash between two powerful mystics, it almost made it too easy.

Mana Zone: Whirling Winds of Zephyr


The blades came at him from all directions, the back, the front, above, beneath. From this trap, no from this new battlefield, there was no escape.


  • Panda
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Re: Great Dojo
« Reply #233 on: December 29, 2019, 03:18:55 AM »

To Nanako's surprise, the hurricana went off without a hitch. Just as they left the ground, however, at that critical moment between them going airborne and slamming back down to the floor, a breeze brushed her stomach right before the blondie's fist drilled into it. Nanako gagged, her eyes widening and rolling back as she felt like she'd been impaled, far harder than anything he'd done to her previously. Spit and air sprayed from her mouth as his fist sank in, crushing her guts and spreading agony like fire in her veins. As the pain spread, so too did that heat flare up to match it, and between the edge she'd been pushed to by her previous bout and the frustration of the long break in between, the squirrel girl went screaming over the edge!

Her thighs clamped down hard around his neck as she went taut, harder than she was normally capable of for a moment, as her core clamped down hungrily on nothing. Bruise mottled abs tensed quickly after, pulling the two of them through the rest of the hurricana as she threw Yang down with explosive power in the throes of her orgasm, straight into the floor, and likely several floors after that!
[8:49:50 AM] Daniel Mahan: He can still get RAEG
[8:49:52 AM] Daniel Mahan: Just better at not loosing his marbles over it.
[8:50:09 AM] Helligator:> losing his marbles over it
                                      I seeeee what you did there

[11:00:22 PM] francobull III: elf, will you do rin?
[11:00:33 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I would love to do Rin!
[11:00:39 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I'd bend her over and . . .
[11:00:45 PM] francobull III: woah woah

francobulli'd - Today at 4:53 PM
i litterally
not penetration

Sakura Today at 7:09 PM
don't see anything that triggers my gm senses


  • The God Tongue
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Re: Great Dojo
« Reply #234 on: December 29, 2019, 03:57:34 AM »

Of course she felt him, even saw him move, her eyes were just on another level. It was a shame really, this might have been an interesting battle, might being the key word here. Unfortunately everything was against it being so, from his condition to how he was naturally disadvantaged against, but especially the location was against him.

If only they hadn't chosen a place with so much ambient energy lingering about after the clash between two powerful mystics, it almost made it too easy.

Mana Zone: Whirling Winds of Zephyr


The blades came at him from all directions, the back, the front, above, beneath. From this trap, no from this new battlefield, there was no escape.


What was loudest? His scream, or the wind's? And was it reflex that saved him or something else? Against the storm of storms, his body was pounded from all sides!

"Woah woah wooooooahh!"

Yes! He... he was utterly crushed. The force built up, causing bone to crack and muscle to rip until he gained the consistency of mashed potato. And then the force released, causing his body... Or rather the pulp filled skin to be hurled away...

Until he was slammed right in front of Amanda, crashing straight into the wall from before... cracking the stone all over.

But when the dust cleared, his body was already in the process of reforming. No, it was even faster than usual. That bastard... Was he growing stronger as he fought her!

"To think... I would be pushed so far... You are the real deal..."

He grinned, tried to bring his arm towards her...

"Why... Why cant I drain it? What the-"

Crushed, ground, reformed, crushed, ground... His body was swelling and breaking down like a cancer. Unable to suck the ambient mana, it was breaking down. "Damn... Brat..." Dark tentacles squirmed out of his body. Something was wrong about this. Who was he talking to?

"I've already absorbed it."

Who was talking?

Why did it look like something was trying to rip its way out?
« Last Edit: December 30, 2019, 04:12:39 PM by francobull3 »


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Re: Great Dojo
« Reply #235 on: January 01, 2020, 12:12:27 AM »

Amanda wasn't even paying attention to Zeke as she took deep breathes, her face was all scrunched up in pain. It hurt.

It hurt so much.

Her whole body was screaming in pain, like it had been torn apart and then stitched back together. The biggest drawback of using a spell on that scale had to be how she couldn't just turn off her nerves, so she had to fully sit through the whole ride.

She glanced over at his downed for-

Except he wasn't downed, he was morphing for lack of a better word but she felt like that couldn't quite describe what was happening and her eyes made sure that she saw everything, including stuff that she wished she didn't.

But it did mean she had a better idea than him on what the fuck that was, probably.

"So it finally kicked in huh, This is what I really did Zeke~" She stumbled closer but still teased as relentlessly as she would she'd been in better shape. besides what mad magician didn't love to just gloat about their latest successes. She felt more alive now than in weeks, maybe even months.


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Re: Great Dojo
« Reply #236 on: January 01, 2020, 05:19:37 AM »

An unearthly force slammed down his cheeks, causing him to choke as a shockwave blew everything away.... except the office workers who kept typing on empty air. Even his screams were cut short as he was flipped and hurled through one floor after another...


A hurricane of hair, fur and glistening skin smashed on the ground floor, caving in dust and concrete all over.

Yang felt like he was just dunked in the middle of an ocean. Wait...



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Re: Great Dojo
« Reply #237 on: January 01, 2020, 06:55:08 AM »

Amanda wasn't even paying attention to Zeke as she took deep breathes, her face was all scrunched up in pain. It hurt.

It hurt so much.

Her whole body was screaming in pain like it had been torn apart and then stitched back together. The biggest drawback of using a spell on that scale had to be how she couldn't just turn off her nerves, so she had to fully sit through the whole ride.

She glanced over at his downed for-

Except he wasn't downed, he was morphing for lack of a better word but she felt like that couldn't quite describe what was happening and her eyes made sure that she saw everything, including stuff that she wished she didn't.

But it did mean she had a better idea than him on what the fuck that was, probably.

"So it finally kicked in huh, This is what I really did Zeke~" She stumbled closer but still teased as relentlessly as she would she'd been in better shape. besides what mad magician didn't love to just gloat about their latest successes. She felt more alive now than in weeks, maybe even months.


A black sludge littered with plasma and corruption spewed out of his throat. He vomited space refuse... exuding this accursed energy as if he were sweating it off. Soon, the sludge was overtaking most of his body, with only his head and torso barely visible.

" fool... the vessel is compromised... stop observing... your damn eyes... stop looking...BZZT"

A dry howl shook the ground, the beast trashed and grew larger than Amanda by far.

"Ah... it's not so bad... it was getting so noisy in here. Congrats kiddo, you've kicked my ass so utterly it's... shut up shut up! This wasn't the plan! If we merge forcibly like this, we won't be able to... hah! Serves you right, you freeloaders. Ship's already sailed anyways! This is my chance. I'll see your dream to its end, so just shut up and... no, no no no! We will not be devoured! We won't accept this, we won't give up our..."

Eyes like stars flared up inside the dark body of a dragon. This vile sludge was like a door to the other side. But that warmth, that glow... it started to look more and more like the Nexus sun. Foreign, but familiar. Different, but the same.

It first happened about 16 years ago, though it was really just another repeat of a process he made over and over. A boy sought help and accepted to give his body in exchange for power. Yes... his vessel had been implanted with fragments of the old world... of himself, and become susceptible to his influence. Over time, the Will of the World had some dominion over the boy. Or so one would have thought. Over time, he possessed different alternate versions of himself and bound them to hyperspace, in order to turn it more compatible with himself. Different histories, different possibilities, but they all served to the same purpose as if they shared one dream. One will.

This was not truly planned from the getgo. To begin with, he wasn't nearly good enough to think that far ahead. It really ended up being a game of improvisation, to toy around with circumstances in order to turn them advantageous. By first being annihilated fully by the lord of Little Russia, his vessel was shattered and hollowed. Made malleable... more suitable to be connected to hyperspace and to the dark forces that lived within it.

But it came with a price. Its very being had been split and broken, a chink had torn off from itself. Even if Zeke could become one with the Will of the World, Zeke would be incomplete and thus constantly create new organisms to fill that void. A singularity of countless selves puppets a single body, while being slaves to that same vessel.

But something inside that hive sparked. Using Aruna, Zeke let her drain off enough energy to strain the organisms. Pushed to that brink due to his countless battles, the old world organisms still had to focus their energy on maintaining the vessel, else they'd vanish. So by weakening the connection so suddenly, and absorbing the ambient energy himself, his existence was starting to override the other ones that were once part of the balanced equilibrium.

Thanks to Amanda's prior repair, Zeke himself was whole, and he had full control over his body. Using the energy he absorbed, he devoured himself. Devouring himself, he could unleash more energy which he would use in order to assert himself as the sole channel between the Old World and himself. Simply put, everything else wouldn't simply be a part of him. It would become him.

See, the forces that sustained and shackled him... those were not his own. He had been exposed to them a long, long time ago... and his consciousness was still trapped there. No amount of body-hopping could change that, and even normally, this would never work.

That is because the one who calls himself Ezekiel is something that shouldn't even exist. The world he comes from should not even be possible. So affirming himself as anything more than an extension of the void would cause the Nexus to correct the paradox. It would never allow him to be an individual.

Unless someone observed him. Unless someone looked so deep into the abyss that he would be unveiled and made real.

Right now, Zeke was forcing himself through a chrysalis.

"Individuality? A pretty word. But you gave it up once you accepted the Will of the World. Besides, it's rude to talk around the guest of honor... so shut up and be assimilated fully this time. Oh, and honey, do you think you can pull off another spell like that? Something fire-based would be nice."

Amanda could see even deeper than before. She could see colors that didn't exist, shapes that shouldn't be there. She could see him, sitting in the middle of the void, surrounded by the pieces of a broken city so similar to the one she was standing on. Because even she should be able to see it now.

The Old World is a shard of a dead Nexus. Or rather, a pruned timeline fragment.

The creatures Zeke unleashed were the remaining people from said Nexus, stripped of their bodies and will by a foreign force, and became one with the void.

And he too was someone from that Nexus, subject to that fate. Everything up until now was simply for the sake of freedom. So he would be free to pursue his dream, as a stable self-independent from anything else.
« Last Edit: January 01, 2020, 03:32:36 PM by francobull3 »


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Re: Great Dojo
« Reply #238 on: January 01, 2020, 07:26:34 PM »


If he wanted fire, she'd give him fire and more. The rune was easy to draw even in her current state, and all she needed to do was bombard on fixed spot. Why waste her own power when she could use the land itself to do her bidding.

No, instead she moved ever closer to him, unconcerned with the flames that ravaged his chrysalis. The fire wasn't what she was looking, it was far far deeper than that and she could, no she would reach it.

Her eyes lit the way and her experiences up to this point had prepared her for the task of laying down the road. Now she merely had to follow it to it's end. This was the true reason why she'd saved up mana on his request, it simply was required for something much more daunting, the journey... The Heavenly Eyes brought and end to the chaos and fixed his position and she simply had to strip away the layers....

"You're even cuter up close~"

Th voice, her voice, it wasn't coming from the outside-

She was there.

At the deepest depth, the young magus had taken the plunge and reached the bottom. It shouldn't have been possible, but her eyes brought forth the miracle that could not be and now she was there and-

She pinched his cheeks again.

"This story is over now, so let's start a new one!"


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Re: Great Dojo
« Reply #239 on: January 01, 2020, 08:20:21 PM »

Friends and comrades really were the best. He could always count on them to throw themselves headfirst for his sake! It didn't matter if he'd climb over the beings he had created, he didn't care one bit! He'd use everything at his disposal, and reach the top! The masses of dark organisms stretched out like the branches of a tree in an instant... only to be stopped short as they burned. Writhing, they couldn't even move as they were forced to eat more and more... only to be eaten in turn and have their energy released.

A perfect cycle of destruction and repair. No, the cocoon was turning into a perfectly stable and self-contained feedback loop. He got lucky though. He wouldn't have tried this with Serana or anyone else, let alone willingly. He simply got lucky. Ahh, he had to thank the gods for blessing him with such good luck. For you see...

It couldn't be stopped anymore. It was self-sustaining now. His excess energy couldn't even leak out thanks to the space barrier. It was being perfectly processed and reforged.  And the more they devoured the more they grew... only to be consumed again.

"Hahahaha! Finally, someone who sees eye to eye with me. Very well, I'll let you observe my next journey. Just don't croak on me, lady... a new chapter awaits us!"

And the void caught ablaze. The heat wasn't just originating from her rune anymore... no, he was generating his own heat. It truly was like basking in the sun, despite it being night time. Dark and light were perfectly balanced in the sky. As all things should be.

"The story just began. My dream will never end!"

And the void wasted away, crumbling before the flame of the stars... and revealing nothing more than the man she was dealing with... his mutated body aged due to the strain. But also changed.

This truly was... an interesting voyage. Now, the body was no longer his father's. It had truly become his own. But he was in no state to celebrate. Smoldered, exhausted, Zeke fell face down on the ground. It almost looked like he was hugging the new world he arrived at.
« Last Edit: January 01, 2020, 08:32:01 PM by francobull3 »