Author Topic: Cross Effects 3.0 - October 21, 2015—June 23, 2016  (Read 74933 times)


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As soon as Lumen finished speaking, every single cherry blossom moving around stopped, and ignited with a pink white flame, emenating heat even hotter than the spear which lumen was carrying. "Do not underestimate me Lumen. It would be a grave mistake." Then Breeze spoke. Shiro was surprised. In a good way. It meant her judgement of her wasn't incorrect, like Lumen had been. The cherry blossoms moved to form a sort of shield for Shiro as she began to speak to Breeze. "I can't let you just fight alone, that'd be improper! And Lumen's quite strong, too. I'd be happy to accept some help from you." The short woman said with a smile.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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A sense of euphoria engulfed her as she realized this was her first true victory since coming here.  Nothing has blown up, no impossibly powerful evil overlord is trying to harm her or those important to her and to top it all off she found Toe!

"Of course not. Even if I slipped accidentally and someone had to interfere, I lost completely and utterly, so it's my fault. Either way, you have a pretty bad taste in pairings. Girls usually rather slit their throats than go on a date with me. Seems I am this world's tragic heroine." Said Toe in that same weird robotic tone.

"Im just happy your ok." She added, smiling brightly.

"You can get off me now. I appreciate your attempts at warming my cold dead soul, but this is no place for such intimate acts."  He asked. 

The moment he finished his sentience, her body language changed.  Still on top of him, she re-positioned her self by grabbing his shoulders, gripping as tightly as she could.  Then, she shoved them into the ground.  At the same time, she sunk her knees into his thighs, pinning those to the ground as well.  She then glared into his eyes, expressing all of her distraught, frustration, anger and emotional determination in one single expression.

"No."  She said sternly.  "I have been too naive up to this point.  I can't let you do as you please.  You tried to take that girl's soul didn't you?"
« Last Edit: April 10, 2016, 06:15:37 PM by yinsukin »

Umbra of Chaos

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The Patchwork blinked at the offer Breeze mad and felt a strange surge of shame as she considered it. She wasn't so far gone that she would take her anger out on innocent people. Even if they did offer. She lifted her spear and halfheartedly tossed it into the air. It streaked across the sky higher and higher before exploding into a beautiful conflagration of blue and red flame that she could feel from the ground.

Then she just defeatedly sat down and pressed her back to a wall while gently massaging her head. Every time she got this mad it always made her head feel like it was about to burst. Today had been too much. What she was going to do was sit here and simmer until she no longer felt mad enough to break something. Maybe then she could summon the motivation to do... something. "Never mind. It's not important anymore. Please, just go."
« Last Edit: April 10, 2016, 07:12:23 PM by Umbra of Chaos »


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Shiro's tail, now thoroughly puffed up, slowly began to calm down. "Hey, Breeze, you want to get something to eat? I'm hungry now." The petals all instantly doused themselves and flew back into her bag. "It'll be fun."

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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The exile had to refrain from responding to Forest at this time as he focused on his initial plan: to win if his opponent's strength was within human limitation, or to throw the contest if the belligerent blonde clasping his hand was capable of exerting force that would require the Wall of God to actually try. He had need to focus on this, for to allow things to play out without his concentration would be to succumb to his own competitive spirit. He would meet an opponent who was his match, and feel compelled to defeat them fairly.

So Gadreel focused on losing, but not too much. He pressed down on Mordred's arm with his own with the strength one might expect of a man of his Davidian size and Olympian physique, obscured as it might be by his garb, but no more.


The changeling struggled for a while, trying to adjust her strength so that her victory wouldn't be too suspicious, but damnit, she underestimated the guy a bit, to be honest. She put a little more strength then a peak athlete would, now hoping it wouldn't be too suspicious. But whom she was kidding, it probably would look odd if a girl like her defeated such a brawny guy. But she cared more about the victory than how it would look like.

Pressuring stronger than the man, she overpowered him withoutinflicting any harm.


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Lycodrake Aptera

He was about to respond in positive to Bellatanus' request when the regal human was replaced by a queenly dragon of gorgeous purple - shades he couldn't quite put words to. Oh. His face heated up across the ridge of his snout. Bellatanus was either a very powerful shapeshifter or this was her true form. Any way he looked at the situation he felt embarrassed. Embarrassed for not recognizing a fellow dragon, if that was the status of things, and embarrassed to find himself flat-footed around a dragoness. Given what little she had shared, his guesses at royal status were not wrong at all, and here he was - a wingless dragon, a drake, working as a courier and caravan guard before a queen.

He tried to speak but the only sound that he ushered from his vocal chords was some sort of cobbled together squeak and yelp in surprise. He more than likely appeared a complete fool, now. Oh no.
Spoiler for Best -monogatari:


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She ignored their humoruous attempts at flirting as she had a more important task to carry out. Looking around her, she noticed the basket she had put down earlier, going over to it she picked it up. When she turned around again they had changed positions, or rather the bue haired girl had. Perfect, this was perfect for what she had in mind. Ignoring the fact that the girl's current position allowed her too see the girl's ass and her panties too. He would have cried out tears of desperation if he knew what kind of view she was squandering, alas, that was not what she had intended to do now.

She walked back to them carrying said basket and then promptly sat down on the girl's back that was now at the perfect height to act like her bench. She took a steaming hot donut out of the basket and bit into it, enjoying it's heavenly taste to the fullest. "Yes this was what was missing." She said while shifting around on the girl's back to get more comfortable.


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"No I wasn't." He lied, but matter of factly. He was actually trying to fail at getting her soul, which he succeeded. His standards weren't high enough to expect to actually do something like that after all.

"Well, now that you have me at your mercy, what are you going to do? You can probably tell, but I have no chance to beat you as I am now. If you want to get back at me for earlier, now would be a good time for exacting revenge."

At the same time, Theodore braced himself for the inevitable blow. He didn't really care if she killed him, but he doubted she could. After all, he knew her abilities better than anyone. Still, even if she hurt him, he didn't really mind. It's not like he didn't deserve a thousand times worse.
« Last Edit: April 10, 2016, 08:23:42 PM by francobull3 »


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The immortal found himself wandering through the streets once more, utterly bored. By this point, he had the staff held in his hand in its compacted form, carefully hidden in his hand as it whispered . All too soon, however, he found the civilian population growing rather thin, as if people had recently vacated the general area. Michael had just processed this fact when he happened across the strangest sight he'd seen in a few years. What appeared to be a fairly normal girl accompanying what seemed like a fox-girl of all things walking away from a small restaurant while a third being, a girl with oddly multi-colored limbs, sulked off to the side. Between the relative absence of people, the melted window, and the slight heat permeating the area, Michael figured he'd just missed out on a decent fight...

"Well...looks like I missed out on some fun," the immortal noted, making his way over to the woman and the fox-girl. Resisting the urge to ask if he could pet the fluffy tail, he considered the situation for a moment before deciding to speak up.

"Excuse me," Michael called out, "Was there a fight I just missed out on? Also, I'm honestly quite curious as to whether you laugh like a fox or a human, apologies if this seems rude."
[8:49:50 AM] Daniel Mahan: He can still get RAEG
[8:49:52 AM] Daniel Mahan: Just better at not loosing his marbles over it.
[8:50:09 AM] Helligator:> losing his marbles over it
                                      I seeeee what you did there

[11:00:22 PM] francobull III: elf, will you do rin?
[11:00:33 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I would love to do Rin!
[11:00:39 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I'd bend her over and . . .
[11:00:45 PM] francobull III: woah woah

francobulli'd - Today at 4:53 PM
i litterally
not penetration

Sakura Today at 7:09 PM
don't see anything that triggers my gm senses


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Auspicious Breeze

The former gladiator knew better than to lose sight of an opponent just because they'd thrown their weapon away! This, unfortunately, meant she caught only a little bit of the light show above and aaaah it was kinda pretty! She wished she could spare more attention for it than this.

Then Auspicious Breeze heard Lumen give up, and she felt both glad and sad at the same time. Glad, because now she didn't have to try to convince that cutie Shiro to not get in the way of a fair one-on-one fight, and because it meant they weren't fighting anymore. But sad, because this meant she didn't get to punch anyone or see how strong Lumen really was!

And she looks pretty sad too, besides being angry. Maybe I'll talk to her after she has time to calm down?

She heard Shiro's offer of food, and perked up from her little tiny slump. "Okay! I haven't eaten yet today, so ah, that should be nice."

Then came the new person. A man, from the looks of him. He asked two questions, one obvious and the other one she actually kinda wanted to know the answer to herself now, wow. That would be really cute if she laughed like that. Radiant would want to pet her too!

"Well," Breeze started to say, reluctantly turning to the new guy and sizing him up. His walk suggested danger. "There was almost a fight."


The changeling struggled for a while, trying to adjust her strength so that her victory wouldn't be too suspicious, but damnit, she underestimated the guy a bit, to be honest. She put a little more strength then a peak athlete would, now hoping it wouldn't be too suspicious. But whom she was kidding, it probably would look odd if a girl like her defeated such a brawny guy. But she cared more about the victory than how it would look like.

Pressuring stronger than the man, she overpowered him without inflicting any harm.


He resisted the fierce desire to resist, for in the end t'was but arm wrestling. It was far from sufficient importance to risk his cover, or worse, risk the safety of the person who had offered him refuge in this bizarre prison world in which he found himself. Thus, he gave her a moment more of struggle against her preternatural power before the back of his hand struck the table and made it tremble feebly.

His eyes were, of course, wide with some measure of surprise. "Well, this is... your boasts of tackling bears were not mere boasts, I see."


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Medaka Kurokami

Medaka's face softened.  "Say your sorry." She said bluntly. "When you do something wrong, you apologize."  She stared into his eyes, half expecting both a response and the end of all living things.

Just as she said that, she felt something soft but firm apply pressure to her back.  It rubbed back and forth.  She could swear the girl was sitting on her back.

« Last Edit: April 10, 2016, 09:42:21 PM by yinsukin »


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The demon stared impassively at the girl, silence and an empty gaze meeting her fiery determination for what seemed an eternity. Finally, he responded in earth shattering calmness, almost casually.

"Sorry, can't do."


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Jin gave her a knowing look as she told him her theory about them being in anther dimension. He waited for her to stop talking and took a deep breath before answring her. "Yeah you're correct. We're in some sort of interdimensional hub called the Nexus. It randomly pulls people in from different realities. Remeber those gangs I mentioned earlier? They're dangerous because most of them possess abilities of some kind."


She took another donut and swallowed it. They were truly marvelous creations, with all the different flavours that they came in. There was only one problem to her enjoyment of this delight, the two people below her who kept having their petty squabble. "If you two do not quiet down some more I cannot gurantee that I will not put an end to you." She told them with a perfectly calm voice.


To her disappointment the tall man lost againt Blondie. It had been a quick battle, she was clearly stronger than she had thought. Not like it mattered, she would still get what she wanted in the end. "You may have beaten him but will you beat me Blondie?" She said with the same confidence in her voice despite the blond woman's display of strength.


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Medaka Kurokami

Medaka ignored the girl sitting on top of her.  Meanwhile, she stopped to stare at Toe.  Something was off.  She was sure of it now.  He would never give such a deadpan response.  Furthermore, there was no sadistic teasing, no tormenting her with the ghost of Lorrenzo.  She even came prepared to face that again.  He was still him though, that comment confirmed it.

"Fine"  She said, dispelling her raw energy with a sigh.  "You know me.  You already understand my grief and you understand why I am sad.  But I am just happy your ok and that I was able to stop you."  She added tenderly. 

She paused for a second, then continued, taking on a more casual tone.  "You know, back in my old world, I used to give my soul away all the time.  All you had to do was write a letter and put it in the student council box and my mind, body and all the resources that came with it would be yours.  Considering I couldn't save a single fool hearty pirate, I suppose its a fitting consequence you have mine.  But your not allowed to take anyone else soul understand?"

Saying that reminded her of the girl sitting atop her back.  "Oh im sorry, I was so concerned with Toe here I forgot to ask if you were ok.  I am Medaka by the way."  She asked politely, ignoring her casual attitude and the fact that she is still sitting atop her back.

« Last Edit: April 11, 2016, 12:19:28 AM by yinsukin »


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The blonde girl kept babbling like a fool, this time throwing threats around. That part kinda irritated him. People saying things they couldn't do was one of the things he couldn't stand, not one bit. It wasn't the threatening him part that angered him, not at all, but she would not lay her hand on Medaka again. Dumb bitches should keep quiet, so he decided to correct that petty hubris of hers.

Not that he cared or anything.

"Okay." He said simply, not expressing a single shred of emotion. Meanwhile, something strange was happening. The donut that Shinobu had just ingested was bubbling and swelling, growing and resurfacing like an elastic goo of sorts.

The strange substance quickly stuck into her inner walls like the most resilient of glues, and slowly found it's way into the surface of her throat, clogging that little orifice that liked to talk shit so much. There was no way to get rid of whatever that donut had became, nor could she try to have it phase out of her. It would stick to her vocal chords and make the passage of air completely impossible until she apologized died.

Even his death would not undo the strangeness that had befallen what was once an innocent donut.
« Last Edit: April 11, 2016, 12:57:07 AM by francobull3 »