Author Topic: Cross Effects 3.0 - June 23, 2016—April 02, 2018  (Read 130149 times)


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His body may not lie but it could certainly fly and so it did. He shot up into the air keeping a firm grip on the white haired goddess so she wouldn't fall. "Looks like we have a winner here. This naughty little goddess will now get her prize. It's going to be a private tour of my magnificent castle, starting with my private quarters."

They shot through the air at immense speed, faster than any bird could fly. As a matter of fact, in the time it had taken him to say that, the magnificent castle was already becoming visible near the horizon.

Black Heart

"Wow, it's huge!" The goddess exclaimed, apparently not terribly impressed by his show of speed. "And your private quarters, huh? They better be elegant enough for a lady such as myself." She replied nonchalantly.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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Joe pulled away again and looked into her eyes.  He stared at her for a moment, enjoying the view of her face in the light.  Then, he closed his eyes and pressed his lips against hers, lightly exploring them for a moment.  Then, he pulled out again and smiled at her.  "Of course I care what you think," he said, running his hand down a lock of her hair.  "Why would I be dating you then?"

Then he sighed and said,  "Yeah, after listening to all of that, I really don't want to be a mage anymore.  But that just leaves the undead.  In that case, id rather just be me.  I guess ill start by just getting in shape I guess..."


He returned her statement about round twos with a raised eyebrow.  "Wow, that's pretty convenient," he said, reaching to her chest and pushing up her boobs using the bottom part.  I guess small boobs aren't all that bad... he thought. 

His eyes remained focused on their shape until she let out a chuckle and said, ""Don't worry, I won't drink from you unless you give me permission."  His eyelids lowered into a stare that blended sarcasm and lethargy.  His lips dropped into a frown until she finished talking.  "I told you before, my payment is my body.  You can take a drink whenever.  You would actually be suprised how little fluids my body needs."

His body turned around in a smooth flourish.  With large but casual steps, his form moved towards the twilight materialized by the city streets.
« Last Edit: April 18, 2017, 05:50:39 PM by yinsukin »


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They gracefully passed above the castle and the courtyard before entering through a window that was conveniantly open. "I wouldn't know about it being elegant or anything.You can complain to my to maid if you want to but beware, you might chew off more than you can bite. She like to toy with people, especially girls."

The two of them landed in a hallway on the third floor and he was about to put her down but halted his move at the last second. "Still feel like being carried all ovet the place my cute goddess?"


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Clever kid, now all three came for him. Seriosly, what a bother, its like he was asking him to take his life. Heh. Then again, neither had a life to be taken, now did they?

Normally, he would be cornered and skewered by all sides. It was logical, the sort of outcome you’d expect from any man.

To hell with that, as if he’d lose to a couple of half assed toys. With a sudden spin, he kicked Coppelius into the bladed puppet's chest only to strike the other two with his flaming fists in the face

Tch, he’s pretty crafty. He thought he leapt with beast-like agility, his fiery hands immediately landing on one of the doll’s heads, enabling him to flip out of the way and deliver a swift kick at Coppelius’s face in order to propel himself out of the puppets ranges.

Stunned for a short moment, the puppet playing puppetmaster shakily got up. A wide grin split his face despite the cracks forming in it.

"Phew, you're damn good. I feel alive right now~"

Absent-mindedly, he began plucking the small blades out of his chest.

"So, wanna go further, or was that enough of a test for you?"


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The pirate put his hands on his hip and huffed as if indignation. Truth be told, he was impressed, maybe even a little terrified. It wasn't the fact the kid took that much of a beating, but the fact he seemed so casual about it, as if he didn't mind it at all. No, his smile was more like a kid who had been enjoying himself the whole time.

"Hmph. Of course I'm good, I wouldn't be a captain if I could do any less." He pouted. "And I don't think going all out right now is going to be such a bright idea. I don't know how much juice you've got in you, but it'd be pretty bad if I ran dry before we even got started. I'm the sort of guy who can't help but burn everything around me once the leash is out."

He sighed and shook his head. This boy was pretty hopeless, but he guessed that was the reason he took a liking to him in the first place.

"Well, I guess we're birds of a feather when it comes to that. You pass, not that I expected any less from ya. So, what other tricks do you have up your sleeve? We have some time left to plan our move before getting started."


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"Phew, Okay then, lets call it a draw today."

Having plucked out the blades, small particles slowly started building up to mend the cracks in his shell.

Breathing heavily, the boy held out his fist toward the pirate.

"So, you got a plan?"

Umbra of Chaos

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Once she had gotten far enough away Oren turned back into the Lycan and began sniffing around again. She took a while, the Nexus was pretty big after all! But her nose was good, and she knew exactly what Breeze smelled like.

Then she found her! And Mord! And some other girl with purple hair. Didn't really matter. She changed back into her normal self, the grass suit a bit loose around her, and ran right at her girlfriends. "Breeze!" She hugged the brawler while waving at the Changeling. "And hi, Mord!"


The serial killer's face was a little red at that. Geez, what was she supposed to say to that? Jasey scratched the back of her head for a moment as she chewed over her response. "Well, that really isn't much of a bother for me. I don't really kill with people. It's my first time doing it with someone else. But it was fun though."
« Last Edit: April 19, 2017, 12:16:19 AM by Umbra of Chaos »


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"Well, how to put it. It's quite embarrassing..." He sliced the potatoes perfectly and laid them on a bowl filled with cold water to clean them. "A calamity was unleashed on my prior home, it was destroyed in the collateral of a battle while I was absent. I need to find a shelter where I may rest, so I thought I could ask you for that help. If it's money you need, I have it with me."

He turned to face her and knelt, lowering himself before the lady of the house.

"Will you please aid me? It would mean a lot."


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The gentleman unveiled his whip to catch the other ruffian who was gathering the loot offguard, wrapping the whip around his body and restraining him like with a rope. Seems like Irene dealt with the other criminal quite... effectively. Though maybe cracking his bone was a bit too much. Looks like she didn't know her strength.

The whimpering burglar surrended in pain, and it was all over quite soon as they got properly tied up, Julius calling for the police with the phone on the wall, who would pick up those two... eventually. Waiting for the arrival of whoever was the owner or manager of the shop, he commented: "That was quite... violent. You sure have a lot of strength, lady Irene."


She sat on an untouched store counter as Julius took care of things, smiling serenely at his cool-headed appraisal. "Some scum only learn that way. Don't worry, he'll just be eating from a straw for a tad," she reassured him. Humans were stubborn animals, and without an example they could forget the most trivial lessons easily. That man would remember, every time his jaw ached and her frown reappeared on his mind.

"Honestly, how can we possibly improve when our dregs insist on lowering themselves and others to such unkind straits." Irene spoke, voice turned inwards in contemplation more than towards her companion.

A proper but nervously bespectacled person approached them, surely the one in charge of the store, and Irene jumped off to greet them apologetically before she had the chance to explain her thoughts.
« Last Edit: April 18, 2017, 11:25:27 PM by YOLF »
[13:38:37] Helligator: Depends on the god, but gods by definition in Nasuverse are strong because they have divine authority.
[13:38:48] Kat: Even the toilet god?
[13:38:56] Helligator: No one worships toilets.
[13:39:00] Helligator: Don't be a shitlord.

[04:32:08] Helligator: I can't make dragons in power armor like this

[19:50:12] francobull III: [...] why are you being all assive aggressive?

[23:32:37] Helligator: use the narrative as a means to convey an interesting story and cool conflicts with the openness you're allowed
[23:32:43] Helligator: not to CHEAT stories and conflicts


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"H-huh? W-why are you apologizing?" She asked the two with a puzzled look. It was kinda weird, did they do something wrong? She certainly didn't notice it. "Is this yours?" She asked them, holding the big mouse to the orange haired man.


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"Mhm, as a matter of fact, I was. Well, you can certainly hold yourself in a fight, I'll give you that, but we're not going to go for that play I'm afraid. I'd rather not have things get... messy. Still, that doesn't rule out the option of a more fiery approach."

The skeleton's fist connected with the puppet.

"Say, why do you want to do this? What could a fellow like you gain from siding with a poor crook like me?"


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"Why would I believe something like that, it's way more likely you're a corpse being remotely controlled by someone. But you don't stink so that's out." She absent-mindedly rambled on.

Then her eyes narrowed as the maid begun glaring at him.

"What did you just do?"


Ah, she was a sharp one then. He'd have to be careful there. Better to just lay his cards out on the table. "You ever heard of hypnosis? Just somethin' to make you more likely to do something you'd already feel like doing. I had to be sure you weren't luring me into a trap, Miss Molly."

He took off his hat. "Folk 'round these parts, sometimes they say one thing and mean another. They want to hurt ya, especially when it's folk like me."


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She stood up and bowed to her enthralled audience and then she gave him a playful push. "Like I could sleep when my Gaddy is going out to have all the fun times. No, no, no. Not allowed. Nada. Rejected. I'm coming with you to Nep things ups."

"Oh and for the record, You're much much more comfortable than any old bed."


He allowed himself to be moved by her effort to shove him. Just slightly. Then he chuckled and inclined his head to her. More than was necessary to look her in the eyes. "My apologies for depriving you of your new favorite cushion. Very well, Neptune. I could do with having my night... Nepped up."

The fallen angel held his hand out to her. "Shall we go, then?"


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The maid gave him an almost bore look at his supposed confession. She let out a sigh and then begun chuckling slightly.

"Hehe...You know, Just a few minutes ago this man wanted to have his way with me....."

She looked down for a moment and then raised her head again meeting his gaze head on. "I killed him. Altough I have to admit your perforance is quite amusing to behold."


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She grabbed hold of his arm with a fiery passion to match the stars in the sky. So bright was her intensity it would outshine the sun and various other overblown metaphors to be had.

"Yes led the way my very very brave Angel. Time to beat up the bad guys real good!" Despite telling him to lead the way she was the one pulling him out of the apartment.